Fibreglass - What Is It?

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Fibreglass - What Is It?

Glass is a hard material, but when melted, it can be made pliable enough to form fibres.fibreglass glass This was the inspiration for what became known as fibreglass, in which glass strands are embedded in a resin matrix to form a strong and durable composite. It is often used in preference to alloys like aluminium and steel, as it offers similar strength but greater fracture toughness and corrosion resistance.

Its versatility makes it an important building component.fibreglass glass It is found in a variety of products such as windows, roofs and doors, and also in pipes and tanks. It is also an important insulator and can be found in insulation for buildings, cars, boats and aircraft.

A number of manufacturers have refined the process for producing glass fibers, and there are several different types of fibreglass available.fibreglass glass Some of these are E-glass, developed for electrical insulation; C-glass, which is a chemically resistant glass; and S-glass, which is more mechanically robust than either E or C glass.

Fibreglass is a non-toxic and environmentally friendly material to work with, although some people may experience irritation to the skin, eyes or throat when exposed to it.fibreglass glass Those who are concerned about this should wear gloves and eye protection when handling it. The irritation should be short-lived, and washing the affected areas will clear it up quickly. Long-term exposure to airborne fiberglass dust is not recommended, however, as it may irritate the respiratory tract and cause asthma or bronchitis-like symptoms.

The most common use of glass fibre is in the manufacture of fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP), which is used in a variety of applications including pipes, boat hulls, swimming pools and shower cubicles.fibreglass glass It is a stronger and more durable material than aluminium or steel, and is lighter in weight. It can also be used in conjunction with other materials such as carbon fibre, Kevlar and hybrid composites.

There are many types of FRP, but the majority of those who use it will refer to it simply as 'fiberglass', or occasionally as 'GRP' or 'FGF' (depending on location and industry sector).fibreglass glass The most commonly used reinforcement is glass fibre, with a polyester resin being the matrix phase. Alternative thermosetting resins include phenolics, melamines, silicones and epoxies.

Some manufacturers are now developing 'greener' resins that contain less volatile chemicals and produce fewer harmful emissions. This is in response to concerns about the environmental impact of using volatile solvents. Another development is the trend toward removing boron in the production of E-glass. The boron is added to facilitate the fibreization process, but its removal makes the glass more chemically inert and also reduces costs and energy usage. One example of this is the OCV Reinforcements' 'Advantex' boron-free glass, which was developed in the 1980s. It combines E-glass's mechanical properties with improved acid corrosion resistance. Other companies are likely to follow suit in the future.

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